The (Surprising) Way To Increase Your Blog Revenue

We asked fitness professionals about what they think is the most important part of a blog post, and most of them responded something like this:    

“Does a blog even matter? I thought Instagram is where I should build an audience.” 

Blogs are as important (or even more) than social media (we cover that here), and there is one critical part of each post that can increase your blog revenue by an impressive 83%. It's called a Call To Action (CTA).  

A CTA is a statement that appears at the end of every post encouraging users to take an action, like “Sign up for your free consultation now!"

Good CTA's include:

  • Action words (sign up, get started, claim your free session)
  • A sense of urgency (limited time offer, only 5 spots available)
  • Graphic enhancements (a colored link, a red arrow, a flashing graphic)
  • Offer an incentive related to the content in the blog post (a free pdf, a free fitness consult)

Take a closer look at the blogs on this website and you'll get a better idea of how to implement CTA's, or just keep reading because we've got one directly below.

CTA's are part of great lead magnets, which are a key part of the Not-So-Magic formula to a profitable fitness business.

When implemented properly, this formula proves to add 6-figures of revenue to fitness businesses.

Want the formula? Grab the free e-book!