Do You Know Why You Should Use a Client Goals Management System?

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We talk a lot about client retention here for a good reason.

It's obviously important to keep your clients happy so your fitness business thrives.

So again, we're going to talk about reducing client attrition, or, in plain English...keeping clients happy so they keep supporting your business.

Some methods of increasing retention make a lot of sense for your members, but not so much for your wallet. 

Let's take a look at some very costly ways to increase client retention:

  • Decrease membership fees by $10/month. Charging them LESS money for a service your clients value is always going to make them happy, but on average, it will decrease your revenue by $120,000/year. NOT GOOD.

  • Increase Employee Pay. Keeping your employees happy means they're likely to stay longer, offer more personalized attention, and contribute to that fit family atmosphere your clients love. These things all improve client retention. Based on average gym operations, though, increasing pay by just $5/hour will cost you $273,750. OUCH.

If you care about your finances, you'll want to find less expensive ways to retain clients. 

That leads me to looking at the cost and value of a Client Goals Management System.

These are technologies that help you and your clients track progress beyond the number on the scale. A good system tracks percentage of body fat, lean mass, BMI, goals, injuries, and more.

You can implement a good Client Goals Management System for about $3,000/year.

Even better, when used properly, these systems help clients:

  • Retain clients 5x longer. When clients measure success by tracking body comps instead of just the number on the scale, it's easier to see progress. Say goodbye to clients quitting out of frustration!

    • Stay accountable and motivated. When clients see more progress, they're more likely to stick to the plan.

        • Understand their needs and purpose. When clients know their starting point, have clear goals, and have dates for regular assessments, they feel more prepared and accountable.

        • Appreciate extra value. Since many gyms offer equipment and classes, but no real progress tracking, this makes their membership fee feel extra-valuable. 

          • Feel supported. Clients appreciate feeling like you care about helping them succeed.

            Bottom Line: If you're smart about your investments in client retention, you can save $200,000+ every single year, retain clients 5x longer, AND keep your clients happy. 

            That's a real win for everyone.

            Interested in more client retention tips? Grab them here.

            Using a great Client Goals Management System is one piece of the not-so-magic formula to a profitable fitness business

            Want to see the whole formula? Grab our free e-book. 

            Have questions? Scroll to the bottom of the book and click the link to schedule a free strategy session, no strings attached.