What Are Audio Cues?

Audio cues guide your clients through their workouts. When you open your account, it will be pre-populated with an exercise library, audio cues, and sample workouts that you can assign to yourself and clients right away.

When you're ready, you can upload your own personalized exercise videos and audio cues so your clients can see and hear YOU when they play their workouts.

Jumpstart Your Business By Optimizing Audio Cues

Audio cues may seem like a small part of a much bigger business, but we think they're pretty important.

So let's give credit where credit is due. You REALLY CAN can jumpstart your business when you optimize your audio because good audio cues make your services more valuable.

Intrigued? Let us tell you more!

Tell Me More About Why Good Audio Makes Workouts More Valuable...

If you're smart about your audio cues, you can create MUCH better workouts for your clients.

They'll feel more personal, and they'll provide much higher value to your clients. And providing more value means you can make more money.

Don't Be Boring!

Many of us assign the same exercise more than once in a workout. And if your clients have to listen to the same cue each time they do that exercise, it gets boring. Fast!

It also feels very standard. And not at all personal. And that's not good for a personal trainer.

Think About What Your Clients Want To Hear

Let's face it...your clients don't want boring. That's not helpful, and it doesn't sell.

Engaging and personalized workouts are where it's at! And that's what OPTIMIZING YOUR CUES does for you. It adds energy, personality, and a personal touch. That's why when you optimize your audio cues, you're bound to keep your clients longer and get more referral business.

On the flip side, if you have workouts with only a few cues or no cues, you won't keep clients for very long.

How Do I Optimize Audio To Add Value?

When you record 4-6 custom cues for each exercise, your clients won't get bored.

In fact, their workouts will feel a lot more personable, kind of like you're there walking your clients through each step of the workout. And their workouts feel a lot more custom, which means your services provide much higher value.

We've got all the tips you need, so keep reading!