Your Quickest Start

We've all been there.

You know, that moment when you've signed up for something new and you're super excited about getting started.

So what do you do? You bypass the new user tour and start playing around with the technology. And it's a bummer when you find out that getting started isn't as quick as you hoped. Right?

We've all been there, at least once.

Since a typical user tour doesn't do justice to our extensive tools anyway, we designed a website dedicated to teaching you what you need to know to get started with your TrainWithMe business.

Once you understand the basics in the quick start guide, you can begin learning about more advanced features.

Recording Your Exercise Videos

If you want to provide the most personalized client expeirence, you'll need to start by recording exercise videos.

Good news: if you already have recordings on your cameral roll, you can use those too!

You'll use these videos to populate your TrainWithMe exercise library, and the exercise library is the tool you'll use to build your workouts.

We also provide exercise videos you can import for free if you'd like to skip this step. Look for more on that in the section on building your exercise library.

Uploading Exercise Videos

Once you've recorded your videos, you'll need to upload them to your exercise library.

We've put a lot of time into making sure our upload technology is fast, because we know nobody has time to wait around.

Recording Audio Cues

There are several different kinds of audio cues that guide your clients through each workout. After you upload your exercise videos, you'll need to record these cues.

Remember, these audio cues mean your client will hear your voice guiding them through their workouts, so they're very important. It's a huge part of what makes your TrainWithMe services feel personal, even when you're not there in person.

So when you're ready, click in the left sidebar for more tutorials on recording effective audio cues!

Building Workouts

Once you've uploaded exercise videos and recorded audio cues, building workouts is as easy as dragging and dropping videos into a template.

The time-consuming work is done, and you can create a workout in just minutes!

Creating Subscription Plans

Subscription plans define the terms of your client services. When you create a plan, you determine these things:

(-) What a client pays
(-) How often a client pays
(-) If you'll offer a free trial
(-) How long the free trial will last
(-) If there is a free trial, whether you want to require a credit card or not

When you want to invite clients to sign up, you'll send them a link to a plan. When they receive it, they'll accept the terms of the plan, create a TrainWithMe account, download the app, sign in, and get started.

Setting Up Payment Processing Services

Before you can invite clients to sign up for your subscription plans, you need to set up your payment processing services.

This requires giving some information to Stripe, our secure payment processing service, and so you can be Stripe-verified.

It doesn't take long, and we'll walk you through the steps here. Click on the Payment Processing tab in the left sidebar for more!

Inviting Clients to Sign Up

Congrats! Once you make it here, you've made it to the last step of your quick start.

Inviting clients to sign up is easy, but like anything else, you have to know the proper steps. We'll walk you through them here and you'll be ready to start sending workouts and messages in no time!