Join the TrainWithMe Push-up Challenge

Boost your fitness for a good cause

It's simple!

✅ We all do push-ups every day, and we prove it

✅ Each day you don't do your push-ups, it'll cost you $5‍

✅ But, let's be honest, you should never have to pay the $5

✅ Because you get to set your own push-up commitment (If you can only do 5 push-ups, that's fine!)

✅ Because you'll be getting inspired by watching other people do push ups

✅ And, you'll watch yourself improve and feel better

✅ And, if you miss a few push ups, your money is going to a great charity

✅ Join our challenge - it's fun for the whole family

✅ You'll feel great that you did within a week!

How does the competition work?

  • We have a scoreboard to track points earned from doing push-ups. 
  • It does not matter how many push-ups you can do; a personalized daily goal is set when you join.
  • All that matters is consistency, effort, and improvement!
  • We celebrate the winners each week.
  • Anyone can win! You'll be surprised...

Are modified push-ups acceptable?


Some people do push-ups on their knees or in other modified ways. All that matters is effort, consistency, and improvement.

Discover your physical fitness level through the number of push-ups you can do!

Grab your complimentary PDF to find your fitness rating and learn the benefits of daily push-ups.

Harvard study shows more push-ups means less heart problems

How many push-ups can you do in a minute? The number may predict your risk of heart disease...

Reasons why push-ups are so good for you

  • Push-ups activate a large number of muscles together, increasing the demand on the heart muscle and the respiratory rate.
  • Push-ups increase the metabolic rate so they can help with weight loss.
  • Push-up exercise is a cheap and fast method to assess your fitness and functional capacity.
  • Regularly doing push-ups helps strengthen the muscles responsible for good posture and can also help improve joint health.